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Frankincense Incense Sticks: 25gm/ approx 18-20 Sticks
Frankincense Incense Sticks: 25gm/ approx 18-20 Sticks
Made using the finest natural ingredients
SMILE Price: $4.95

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Smile Herb Shop SKU #: 251230
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Product Description Herbalists Comments Supplement Facts and Ingredients
Traditionally used in ceremony and rituals in many cultures for thousands of years. This natural incense is made by combining natural ground frankincense resin with charcoal that is rolled on to a stick, resulting in a slow burning incense, each stick burns for approximately 1 hour. You will receive one packet of 25 grams, approximately 18-20 sticks of incense.
Additional information
  • Manufacturer: Bombay Incense Company
  • Product Form Factor:Package / Incense
  • Product Variation: 25gm 18-20 Sticks

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