updated 7/5/24

*Return Policy

If for any reason you are not completely happy with the products you have received, we offer a full money-back guarantee for all qualifying* unopened products returned within 60 days of the date you were charged for your items. For opened products, we offer a full money-back guarantee within 30 days of the date you were charged for your items.

We do not charge a restocking fee, and we will not question your reason for returning the item. We do appreciate an explanation if you are comfortable providing one, as it helps us to improve the quality of our services and products. No matter the explanation, it will not affect the status of your return.

When we receive your return, we will refund you the full amount of your purchase. This refund does not include shipping charges unless there is an error on our part.

Due to the nature of international shipping, we are unable to accept returns for items that we have shipped beyond US borders.
*we are unable to accept returns on bulk herbs, bulk spices, bulk teas, or bulk d.i.y. supplies (carrier oils, butters, clay, etc...)

*How to Return an Item

If you want to return an item, please follow the steps below:

E mail us at [email protected] or write to us at this address:

Smile Herb Shop
ATTN: Web Customer Service
4908 Berwyn Road
College Park, MD 20740